
時間:2023-03-20 14:51:39
























[關鍵詞]語法翻譯法 交際法 結合


外語教學有著悠久的歷史。早在2000 年前, 歐洲教育家馬科斯(M arcus) 在羅馬教授希臘語時就已經進行教學的嘗試。但系統的外語教學法理論卻是在19 世紀歷史比較語言學的基礎上形成的。它經歷了兩個階段: 20 世紀60 年代的以語法翻譯法,直接法和聽說法為代表, 一般稱它們為傳統的外語教學法; 60年代后, 認知法和交際法的崛起促使一系列新型教學法脫穎而出。在眾多的教學法中, 語法翻譯法是外語教學中歷史最長和使用最廣泛的方法之一。隨著世界經濟全球化和一體化進程的加快, 國際間的交流和合作不斷擴大, 外語不再僅僅是學習, 借鑒的工具, 外語在各個領域都得到了廣泛地使用, 其交際功能也日漸突出, 語言學習者不再僅僅滿足于發展語法能力和閱讀能力,而是迫切需要提高聽, 說, 讀, 寫等方面的語言綜合應用能力。面對這種情況, 如何教好外語, 選用何種教學方法教授外語, 便成為外語教師及語言學者所面臨的一個十分重要而又棘手的問題。在眾多的外語教學法中, 語法翻譯法和交際教學法之間的爭論便成為爭論的焦點。通過分析對比這兩種在外語教學中最為流行的教學方法及其優缺點, 本文擬探討將這兩種教學方法加以結合并運用到外語教學中的可能性。


2. 1 語法翻譯法的形成語法翻譯法歷史悠久, 它產生于18 世紀的歐洲。1880 年以前, 歐洲的外語教學以教授古典語言即古希臘語和拉丁語為主。古典語言是一種“死”的語言, 人們學習古典語言的目的主要是為了閱讀古典文獻, 而不是將其作為交際的工具, 因而, 語法翻譯法便被當時的語文教育界廣泛采用, 占據統治地位, 并且代代相傳。在18 世紀, 現代語言教學, 如法語教學和英語教學, 都沿用了拉丁語等的教學方法, 其教材編寫也大體采用了拉丁語教學法的特點。到18 世紀末和19 世紀中期, 這種以拉丁語教學法為基礎的現代語言教學法——語法翻譯法便基本建立起來。語法翻譯法從19 世紀40 年代到20 世紀40 年代統治了歐洲的外語教學, 現在仍在世界各地廣泛使用。2. 2 語法翻譯法的理論基礎雖然世界上存在很多種不同的語言, 但這些不同的語言卻存在共有的規律, 因而任何一種語言都要不可避免的受到這種共有的規律的制約。各種語言的詞匯所表達的概念和語法是相同的, 不同的只是發音及其書面拼寫形式而已。由此, 翻譯, 尤其是逐詞翻譯便成了外語教學法的基礎。語法翻譯法的另一個理論基礎來源于18 世紀在德國形成的官能心理學。官能心理學認為, 人的各種官能如記憶力, 理解力等可以相互分離, 單獨加以訓練和培養。官能心理學還認為通過記憶無意義的復雜的語言形式, 能發展記憶能力, 繁雜的語法訓練可以“磨煉智慧”。因而, 死記硬背便成為語法翻譯法的基本做法。可見, 語法翻譯法它以教學語法為綱, 以翻譯作為主要的教學手段。2. 3 語法翻譯法的教學原則和方法語法翻譯法的教學目的是培養學生閱讀外語范文和模仿范文進行寫作的能力, 以便在考試中取得好成績。為達此目的, 教師系統教授, 學生全盤接受外語語言知識。主要的教學方法為:教師首先用本族語把文章的作者和寫作背景作簡單敘述, 接著教師對文章大意進行譯述, 以使學生對文章的整體有一個初步理解。通常在翻譯之前, 教師帶領學生朗讀單詞, 使學生知道單詞的發音和意義。在逐句翻譯的時候, 教師先朗讀句子, 然后用母語解釋詞義, 短語的意義和句子的意義。遇到語法方面的問題如詞法和句法及慣用法等問題時, 教師會較詳細的解釋語法現象, 規則和用法, 并舉例加以說明。可見, 語法講解和逐句翻譯是語法翻譯法課堂教學的主要活動。鐘啟泉(2002: 39) 在《外語教育展望》一書中列舉了常見的以語法翻譯法為主要教學方法的英語授課過程:8: 00- 8: 10 復習: 默寫單詞; 個別與集體背誦上一課課文第二段。8: 10- 8: 20 教授新詞: 教師課前將本課新詞的英語, 音標和漢語解釋寫在小黑板或卡片上。上課時按單詞表逐字講解。學生跟教師朗讀英語單詞后, 教師說漢語, 學生說英語單詞。8: 20- 8: 30 講授語法(規則動詞現在進行時) : 教師講解動詞現在進行時的意義及變化規則后, 在黑板上寫出課文中的動詞原形, 要求學生將它們轉換成現在分詞, 再變成現在進行時。8: 30- 8: 40 講解課文: 教師逐句念課文, 要求學生分析語法與翻譯成漢語。教師隨時糾正學生的錯誤。8: 40- 8: 48 鞏固新課: 學生跟教師逐句朗讀課文后, 教師根據課文提問, 學生按課文內容回答。8: 48- 8: 50 布置作業: 拼寫單詞; 語法填空(動詞現在時) ; 背誦第一段課文。2. 4 語法翻譯法的優缺點2. 4. 1 語法翻譯法的優點教師在課堂上使用本族語進行教學。課堂上的主要活動是語法規則的系統講解和課文句子的翻譯。學生的學習活動除背,記, 閱讀外, 主要是通過母語和外語之間的互譯來使用, 鞏固所學的規則和詞匯, 應用語法規則做翻譯練習等。語法翻譯法的優點可以概括如下:(1) 語法翻譯法充分利用母語, 能幫助教師節省時間。在教學中, 有很多復雜的結構和抽象的概念用母語解釋起來較為容易且直觀, 學生也易于接受。(2) 語法翻譯法以語法為中心, 可以幫助學生打下較為牢固的語法知識基礎, 使學習者的表達較為準確。(3) 語法翻譯法重視培養學生的閱讀能力, 強調學習原文,大量閱讀和寫作, 有助于學習者書面技能的提高。(4) 重視學生的理解能力, 系統講授語法知識, 強調背誦規則和例句來掌握外語。(5) 教師使用方便, 對教師的水平和教學條件要求較低。2. 4. 2 語法翻譯法的缺點(1) 過分強調翻譯的作用, 忽視非翻譯性訓練手段的運用;不理解兩種語言之間很難有等價的翻譯。(2) 過分重視語法知識傳授, 忽視語言技能。在語法翻譯法中, 閱讀課成了語法分析課, 語法課更是只啃語法條條框框, 學生只是機械地通過強化訓練記憶語法規則和詞匯, 忽視聽說能力的培養, 重文輕語, 使學習者無法在交際場合將其正確, 流利地運用。(3) 它只注重書面形式, 忽視語言使用能力。學習者往往學到的只是啞巴英語, 只會讀寫, 不會聽、說運用, 其結果只是語法條條是道, 外語講得結結巴巴。(4) 強調死記硬背, 教學方式單一, 教學過程枯燥, 單調, 不易引起學生的興趣。__(5) 教師自始至終控制著課堂, 一個人在滔滔不絕地講, 而學生的作用過于被動, 很少有機會表達自己的想法。


3. 1 交際法的形成與語法翻譯法相比, 交際法作為一種教學方法的歷史很短。它于20 世紀70 年代初期產生于西歐共同體成員國。歐洲共同體的成立使得其成員國之間的聯系日益頻繁。但是, 語言不通妨礙了整個組織有效運轉, 解決語言障礙已成為歐洲共同體所迫切需要解決的問題。為了加速培養交際人員, 歐共體所屬文化合作委員會于1971 年在瑞士召開了由100 多名語言學和教學法專家參加的專門會議, 由英國劍橋大學語言學系主任特里姆(J.T rim ) 主持討論制定歐洲現代語言教學大綱, 會后不久, 一批代表著一種新的外語教學思想的研究報告陸續發表。70 年代初、中期, 威爾金斯(D. A. W ilk ins) 的《意念大綱》和威多遜的《交際法語言教學》等交際教學法的代表著作相繼問世。這標志著以功能——意念大綱設計思想為核心的教學思想體系在理論上逐漸成熟, 并通過使用一批教材對歐洲外語教學實踐產生了很大影響。當前交際法已成為全世界影響較大的外語教學法流派之一。培養交際能力幾乎已成為全世界各國外語教學的普遍宗旨。(田式國2001: 56)3. 2 交際法的理論基礎交際教學法也有自己的理論基礎。交際教學法主要以美國社會語言學家海姆斯的交際能力理論和英國功能語言學家韓禮德(M. A. K. Halliday) 的系統功能語言學為理論基礎。一方面,韓禮德認為語言有三種功能: 認知功能、建立和維持人的關系功能和連貫脈絡功能。他認為, 語言是表達意義的體系, 不是產生結構的體系。他提出語言學可分析句子以上的語言單位——話語。話語成為交際法培養交際能力的基本單位。另一方面, 海姆斯認為, 一個語言學習者不但要有識別句子是否符合語法規則的能力和選出合乎語法規則的句子的能力, 還要在適當的場合、適當的時間恰當地使用語言。根據這些理論, 外語教學的目的應該是培養學生運用外語的交際能力。學生既要懂得語言的形式,又要懂得語言的意義和功能。通過學習, 學生才能達到使用正確的語言形式來表達思想。3. 3 交際法的的教學原則和方法為了達到使用語言進行交際的目的, 交際法強調以學生為主體。在進行教學活動前, 必須先調查學生的需要。在教學中根據學生的需要給與大量的語言信息, 并在每一個環節都讓學生充分理解與積極參與。教學大綱采用意念——功能大綱, 教材使用自然、電視和電臺報道片斷等。由于交際法鼓勵學生在實際生活中學習使用語言, 他們的錯誤被視為學習過程中出現的自然現象而無需指責。交際教學法所采用的具體方法多種多樣, 其基本方法是開展師生與學生之間有意義的對話或討論。在課堂上, 經常采取兩人結成對子進行對話, 或者以4—6 人為一組進行小組活動, 或者采用全班進行討論的形式。情景的設計需要盡量真實, 當前常采用多媒體手段進行教學并經常邀請說本族語的外國人與學生交談, 甚至辯論。可見, 交際法比較適用于外語中級以上的學生。3. 4 交際法的優缺點3. 4. 1 交際法的缺點(1) 功能——意念項目多種多樣, 沒有統一的標準和規定的項目; 以功能為主編寫教材, 打亂語法本身的系統, 增加了學習語法的困難。(2) 如何處理語言能力和交際能力的關系, 如何處理語法體系和功能大綱的關系仍有待解決。(3) 課程設置、考核、教法方面還存在著許多問題; 在起始階段, 交際法使習慣于其它方法的學生感到困惑; 同一功能可用多種形式表達, 如何選擇和取舍, 沒有客觀標準, 需要在實踐中去探索, 不斷加以發展和完善。(4) 交際法看上去與傳統方法相悖, 因此它容易遭到反對,尤其是遭到年長的教師和學習者的反對。3. 4. 2 交際法的優點有:(1) 重視學生需要, 以意念——功能為綱安排教學內容和程序, 使教學目的更加明確。(2) 重視培養學生的交際能力, 注意語言的運用能力, 培養學以致用的意識, 強調外語教學除了重視語言形式、結構外, 更重視語言的內容、意義和功能, 培養學生在一定的社會環境中恰當地使用外語進行交際的能力。(3) 倡導外語教學過程交際化, 讓學生在真實的語言情景中大量地接觸和運用外語, 通過各種交際活動, 發展學生的交際能力; 強調學生的主動性和相互作用; 有利于激發學生的學習興趣, 鉆研精神和自學能力。






黃和斌指出,語法翻譯教學法(Grammar-Translation Approach)始于17世紀的歐洲,當時的歐洲人為學習古典文學而開始學習希臘語和拉丁語,由于外語學習的目標只是要求進行古典文學的文字翻譯,教學重點放在文章的詞匯和句法規則的解讀上。當時處于巔峰的機械主義語言學只注重對語言系統結構的個別成分加以研究,忽視其在整個系統結構種的功能,恰好給系統講解語法規則及對等翻譯講解方式提供理論根據。當時的人們普遍認為不同語言的語法是共同的,各種語言的詞匯所表達的概念、意義和詞的搭配也存在一一對等關系,因此,語言學家提倡逐字逐句的直譯,并將語法作為外語教學的基礎。有了理論的支持,翻譯教學法也就確立了其科學的地位。到了18世紀,歐洲的學校也開設了其他的語言課程,如法語、英語、德語,由于當時語言學研究的對象主要是書面語,口語教學仍受到忽視,語法翻譯法在這種背景下繼承和發展了希臘語和拉丁語學校的教學方法,在理論上進一步提高,在實踐中得以完善,逐漸形成了一個具有特色、完整的教學體系,并于19世紀得到廣泛傳播和運用。













關鍵詞: 醫學英語語法特點語法翻譯教學法應用


醫學英語(Medical English)一般是指“醫務人員、各醫療部門在臨床應用、科研及教學、醫學基礎及醫學服務等實踐中所使用的專門語言”。醫學英語屬于科技英語中的范疇。近年來,隨著國際間的交流日益增多,醫學英語作為一種醫療信息交流工具,其作用亦變得愈加重要。因此,掌握醫學英語的語法特點很有必要,既有助于學生的閱讀能力的提高,又有助于學生寫作水平的提高。






























【關鍵詞】英語語法 習語翻譯 影響




















【關鍵詞】 英語語法 英譯漢 時態 英語長句



1. 英語時態對英譯漢實踐的影響

時態指動詞的形式與它所描述的動作或狀態發生的時間之間的關系。“時”表示動作發生的時間,“態”指動作的方式狀態。英語動詞的時間有“現在時”、“過去時”、“將來時”和“過去將來時”四類;從動作方式又可分為“一般式”、“進行式”、“完成式”和“完成進行式”四種。這就構成英語動詞的十六種時態。 英譯漢時主要采用加進表示時間的詞來表達英語中的時態概念。如:I had known two great social systems. 那時以前,我就經歷過兩大社會制度。 (這里除了用“過”字外,還增加了“那時以前”,強調過去某一時間以前已經完成的動作。如果漢語翻譯中不增加時間狀語的話,整個意思就轉變了,扭曲了原文的本意,也無法達到翻譯忠實的目的。)


2. 英語長句結構對英譯漢實踐的影響

眾所周知,與漢語(意義語言)不同,英語是一種結構語言,結構的合理性和清晰性的掌握對英語學習者來說至關重要,所以英語語言在結構上可以無限復雜,一個段落中可以有幾個結構非常的繁瑣的長句。 所謂長句,就是一個大的句子當中,可以穿插幾個諸如定語從句、賓語從句、分詞短語、同位語從句等復雜成分。在英語翻譯的學習過程中,英語長句的翻譯屬于英漢翻譯中難度較大的一個方面,它往往讓許多初學者不知所措。英語長句的特點主要有:結構錯綜復雜,邏輯性較強,層次及附加成分頗多。在翻譯長句時, 首先,不要因為句子太長而產生畏懼心理,因為,無論是多么復雜的句子,它都是由一些基本的成分組成的。其次要弄清英語原文的句法結構, 找出整個句子的中心內容及其各層意思, 然后分析幾層意思之間的相互邏輯關系, 再按照漢語的特點和表達方式, 正確地譯出原文的意思, 不必拘泥于原文的形式。

例:For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.

該句的骨干結構為it is more … to do sth than to do sth else. 是一個比較結構, 而且是在兩個不定式之間進行比較。其余部分比如with almost unlimited entertainment available, 是插入成分,作狀語;it 是形式主語,真正的主語是不定式成分 to sit comfortably at home,同時這個不定式短語也是比較的一方,而比較的另一方是句子中另一個不定式短語 to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.在理解和翻譯的過程中,要把比較的一方不定式短語 to sit comfortably at home 所帶的修飾部分,with 介詞短語加進去,而且主干結構中有兩個詞由as well as 連接:cheaper and convenient考慮進去,再以漢語陳述的規則作基礎,翻譯整個句子,結構和意思都顯而易見了。

這個句子我們可以翻譯為:譬如, 對于一個四口之家來說, 舒舒服服地在家中看電視, 就能看到幾乎數不清的娛樂節目, 這比到外面別的地方去消遣又便宜又方便。

再比如:Many analysts suggest that this added pressure disproportionately touches the women,who already carry major responsibility for their own children.

在這個句子中,首先要考慮suggest這個詞的意思,根據從句中動詞的時態,suggest不是建議的含義。然后考慮句子的結構,是suggest 后面一個賓語從句,賓語從句中一個成分又帶了一個定語從句,由who 引導。在結構清晰的情況下,再根據詞義理解全句的含義并翻譯出來就不難了。





[1] 實用翻譯教程 馮慶華 上海外語教育出版社.


關鍵詞: 語法翻譯法 交際法 中職英語教學 應用


語法翻譯法最早出現于18世紀晚期的歐洲,距今已有三百多年的歷史。該法的最早倡導者是德國學者麥丁格(Johann Valentin Meidinger)和費克(Johann Christian Fick)。它是外語教學法中最古老的,影響最深遠的一種外語教學法。


語法翻譯法的教學目的是培養學生閱讀和寫作的能力,提倡用母語教授外語,在教學中以翻譯和機械練習為基本手段,在課堂教學中以翻譯為基本的教學手段。外語翻譯成母語,然后將母語翻譯成目標語。外語知識的講解、練習、鞏固和閱讀技巧的培養等都采用翻譯的方法。直接法(The Direct Method)產生于19世紀90年代,是通過運用外語本身進行教學的方法,也叫自然法或口語法,主張力求在外語教學中創造與兒童習得母語的自然環境相仿的環境,并采用與兒童習得母語的自然方法相一致的方法。

交際教學法是根據語言學家海姆斯(Hymes)和韓禮德(Halliday)的理論形成的一個外語教學方法。其核心思想主要有三:教學的最終目標是培養學生的交際能力,學用結合,根據學生的需求確定教材的內容和教學大綱,鼓勵學生多接觸和使用外語,采用“通過語言做事”(“doing things through language”)的方法,用真實地道的語言材料,在真實的情景中,以及符合實際的交際過程中進行外語學習。交際法作為一種教學法,一種理論,要使它轉化為一種教學實踐,關鍵要了解和掌握學生現有的英語水平,要以學生的英語水平為依據,提供難易程度適合學生水平的學習材料,使學生吃得下、消化得了、吃得飽、吸收得好。











1.1 A Brief History of Foreign Language Teaching in the West.

The history of Foreign Language Teaching has been summed up as follows:

600 years ago, the most important foreign language taught and learned in Western Europe was Latin.

Between the 17th and the early 19th centuries, ”modern” language such as English, French and German began to be taught in many schools and universities, the main teaching method adopted was Grammar Translation Method which was the method of teaching Latin. The aim was to teach students to understand (read and translate) the written language.

In the second half of the 19th century Linguists and language teachers began to cooperate to research a methodology for foreign language teaching that would be based on a scientific study of language and a study of how people learned. In Britain in the Reform Movement, linguists emphasized the study of phonetics and in the 1880s designed the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). That meant that, for the first time, the sounds of all languages could be systematically compared.

In France and Germany during the same period, The Direct Method, was developed. By the early 20th century the Direct Method had been officially adopted in French and German schools.

When the USA entered the Second World War it suddenly became clear that oral skills in foreign languages were necessary. The authorities turned to the Structural Linguists to seek for a scientific description of language and to the Behaviorist Psychologists for a scientific description of learning. The result of their cooperation became known as the Audio-lingual Method.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Oral and Situational Methods paralleling the Audio-lingual Method, developed in Britain as a result of decades of work by British linguists.

In the 1970s and 1980s, developed from these methods, came the Communicative Approach of language teaching. This approach recognizes that learners need to know the grammatical rules of the language, but stresses that the purpose of learning such rules is to be able to do things, to perform functions.

Most recently, the greater emphasis on learners as inpiduals who have different needs, different personalities and different learning styles has led to the small-scale introduction of a variety of other methods such as the Natural Approach, The Silent Way, Total Physical Response and Community Language Learning. And these latter methods have never spread very widely. [1]

1.2 Teaching Methods: The Basic Concepts.

In describing methods, the difference between a philosophy of language teaching at the level of theory and principles, and a set of derived procedures for teaching a language, is central. In an attempt to clarify this difference, a scheme was proposed by the American applied linguist Edward Anthony in 1963. He identified three levels of conceptualization and organization, which he termed approach, method, and technique. He defined that: Approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning and teaching. Method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an approach as well. [2] (P15)

After 20 years ago, Richards and Rodgers defined the teaching method as a system consisting of Approach, Design and Procedure. A method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure. Design consist of seven factors: language theory; teaching objects; teaching syllabus; the type of learning and teaching activities; the role of learner, the role of teacher and the role of materials. [3] (P16)

Richards and Rodgers defined “method” is an umbrella term for the specification and interrelation of theory and practice. They believe that “The first level, approach, defines those assumptions, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and the nature of language learning the operate as axiomatic constructs or reference points and provide a theoretical foundation for what language teachers ultimately do with learners in classrooms. The second level in the system, design, specifies the relationship of theories of language and learning to both the form and function of instructional materials and activities in instructional settings. The third level, procedure, comprises the classroom techniques and practices that are consequences of particular approaches and designs.”[4](P17)

Therefore, we can conclude that if teachers can decide the correct approach, it is likely to organize Design and Procedure well and to help as many learners as possible to learn foreign languages as efficiently as possible.

2. Comparison of Two Methods

2.1 The Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

As we have known, the grammar analysis and translation as basic procedures appeared in foreign language learning in the 16th century. It developed into a popular method of teaching modern languages in the late 18th century and early 19th century. The Grammar Translation Method dominated foreign language teaching in Europe from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified form it continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today. The principal characteristics of the GTM are as follows:


The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign-language study. Grammar Translation is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language.


Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening.


Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study, and memorization. In a typical Grammar-Translation text, the grammar rules are presented and illustrated, a list of vocabulary items are presented with their translation equivalents, and translation exercises are prescribed.


The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice. Much of the lesson is devoted to translating sentences into and out of the target language, and it is this focus on the sentence that is a distinctive feature of the method.


Accuracy is emphasized.


Grammar is taught deductively—that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises.


The student’s native language the medium of instruction. It is used to explain new items and to enable comparisons to be made between the foreign language and the student’s native language.[2] (P3-4)

2.1.1 Approach – View of language and language learning

Different views on language lead to different views on language teaching and learning.

GTM views language as systems of rules for the construction of correct sentences, writing is considered to be the superior form of a language. [5] (P188)

The view of language learning emphasizes the importance of memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary. If learnt it well, the English language knowledge will be available quickly and automatically for further translation tasks.

Neither the view of language nor the view of learning is very fully developed. The GTM view of language and learning seems to ignore:

a) Only learning the written language proficiently may not meet every learner’s needs.

b) Language is a system of communication. It’s a tool of communication.

2.1.2 Design and procedure.

(i) Objectives, syllabus and activities

We know that GTM emphasizes the grammar rules and vocabulary. The objective of it is to learn the L2 well enough to be able to read and translate texts in the L2 quickly and accurately. The syllabus is based on a set of written texts constructed to introduce grammar and vocabulary in a systematic way. The main teaching procedure of GTM is like that: learners reading the text; the teacher analyze the grammatical structure in the text and translate the meaning of the vocabulary items word by word; At last teacher ask learners to practiced structure and vocabulary and then complete the written exercises that follow the text.

For example: When a teacher teaches a lesson “The last lesson”, he will design the teaching activities in the following procedures:

In order to make students understand the text well, he will first make a brief introduction to the author and the text and students will listen to the teacher and take notes. Secondly, he will read and translate this text sentence by sentence, analyze the grammatical structure in the text, and translate the meaning of the vocabulary items word by word. After describing the grammar and translating the text, he will ask students to read text directly and do some practices of reading comprehension to make student understand this text more clearly. At last, he will ask the students to complete the written exercises that follow the text. [6] (P65-67)

These objectives, syllabus and activities seem to ignore that:

a) This method makes learners become passive and obedient, and it may lose their initiative of learning. [7]

b) Reading a text word by word is not how people normally read.

c) Vocabulary and grammatical structures may have different meaning in different contexts.

d) Success in mechanical practice of language structures can not sure that they can be produced it in real-life contexts quickly and correctly. [7]

e) It puts too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking. In language communication, all the four skill are needed. [8] (P50)

(ii) The role of teachers, learners and materials.

In GTM method, the teacher’s role is to explain grammar rules and the meaning of words in the learners’ native language, organize practice (for example, the recitation of rules and translation), and correct learners’ mistakes. [5] (P188 )Teachers are the source of all input to learners in the EFL (English as the foreign language) context. They must ensure that they can answer any grammar or vocabulary questions that the learners might ask.

Learners are the teachers’ passive followers. The learners’ role is to pay careful attention to the teacher’s explanations and corrections, memorize rules and vocabulary lists, and carefully do the practice tasks the teacher sets. [5] (P189)

Textbook is the main line of GTM materials, there are grammatical explanations, vocabulary lists and practice exercises in it and the format of each chapter is usually identical.

The GTM view of the role of teachers, learners and materials seems to ignore that:

a) Overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language. Students should learn to understand the target language and to express themselves in the target language without referring to their mother tongue. [8] (P50)

b) If teacher is in the centre of the classroom teaching and learners are their passive followers, the learners’ learning consciousness will get lost. [9]

c) Grammar rules and vocabulary items in contexts different from those in the texts may carry different meanings.

d) The texts are mostly taken from literary works. The language learned often doesn’t meet the practical needs of the learners. [8](p50)

2.1.3 Conclusion.

The Grammar Translation Method makes few demands on teacher, and it’s easy for teacher to control and use it. In GTM, teacher is in the central position, and the teaching method and procedure are all easy. Students’ mother tongue is used throughout the teaching process. The only thing teacher does is to follow the prescribed order. It’s simple and easy. However, if English learning aims only to help the learners to read English for a specific purpose (for example, to be able to read articles on Chemistry, Economics or Geography), then this method will meet learners’ need, but if the aim of the L2 learning is to enable learners to do more than read the language, then GTM is unlikely to be sufficient. They can not exercise their initiative in learning and only to accept the knowledge passively. GTM emphasizes the grammar rules and vocabulary, ignores learners’ communicative abilities and rely on the mother language excessively. These disadvantages will not lead to a good effect in language learning. [10] (P26)

2.3 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

CLT approach grew out of new theories of language and language learning that developed in the 1960s and 1970s in Britain, the USA, and elsewhere. It is probably the approach most used by trained language teachers today. But it is implemented in very different ways by different teachers working in different contexts. It is an approach with wide variations, not a well-defined method. By its very nature it is eclectic. [5](P193)

2.3.1. Approach – View of language and learning

In the view of CLT language is for communication. It agrees that language is made up of a set of describable rule system.

At the level of language theory, Communicative Language Teaching has a rich, if somewhat eclectic, theoretical base. Some of the characteristics of this communicative view of language follow.


Language is a system for the expression of meaning.


The primary function of language is for interaction and communication.


The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses.


The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse. [2] (P71)

The views of language learning can be discerned in some CLT practices. Richards and Rodgers described the learning theory in three:

a) Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning;

b) Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning;

c) Meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process. [2] (P72)

This theory encourages an emphasis on practice as a way of developing communicative skills.

2.3.2 Design and procedure

(i) Objectives, syllabus and activities

The objectives of CLT are to gain the communicative competence through the language learning. What is the communicative competence? Communicative competence was described by Hymes, his theory of it was a definition of what a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community. There is a more recent but related analysis of communicative competence in Canale and Swain (1980), in which four dimensions of communicative competence are identified: grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence refers to the domain of grammatical and lexical capacity. Sociolinguistic competence refers to an understanding of the social context in which communication takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of the participants, and the communicative purpose for their interaction. Discourse competence refers to the interpretation of inpidual message elements in terms of their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text. Strategic competence refers to the coping strategies that communicators employ to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirect communication. [2](P 71)

In other words, Communicative competence may also be described as follows: one can not only make a correct sentence according to the grammar rules but also use the language quickly, accurately and appropriately with different people in different context at different time. So knowing a language involves both knowing the forms of language and knowing whether it is appropriate to use some form in some context. Learners need to know that:


Different grammar structures may in different contexts have the same function. For example: “Shall we meet at 9:00?” and “9:00 is ok” are structurally different, but can both be used to express a suggestion.


The same grammar structure may in different contexts perform different functions. For example: “It’s raining” can be a statement/ a complaint/ a request to stop an activity, and so on.[6] (P74-75)

The objectives of a course of language instruction cannot be defined until the learners’ needs have been identified. In order to identify their needs, it is necessary to carry out a needs analysis. This needs analysis should first consider why the learners are learning the second language, what topic they will need to find themselves using the language on, and what roles they may need to play within those situations. Next, it is necessary to decide what vocabulary, language structures and functions they will need to know, to what level of accuracy, in order to achieve their purposes. The ability to use these structures and perform these functions quickly, accurately and appropriately for their own purposes will become the objective of the course. [8](P190-191)And these structures and functions will then form the basis of the syllabus.

Then what about the teaching activities in CLT? In W. Littlewood’s Communicative Language Teaching, he describes four CLT teaching activities: Structural Activities, Quasi-communicative Activities, Functional Communication Activities, Social Interaction Activities. He distinguishes between “functional communication activities” and “social interaction activities” as major activity types. Functional communication activities include such tasks as learners comparing sets of pictures and noting similarities and differences; discovering missing features in a map or picture, and so on. Social interaction activities include conversation and discussion sessions, dialogues and role plays, simulations, skits, improvisations, and debates. [2] (P76)

Those objectives and this view of the syllabus and activities seem to ignore that:


Probably all learners need to learn the basic structure rules of the English in order to be able to achieve their purpose in the English learning.


The form of foreign language exam influent the application of the teaching activities. For example the CET4 and CET6.[11]


Some teaching activities above require teacher to do something new, but they may not be willing or be able to do it. [12]

d) Carrying out of a thorough need analysis is expensive and very time-consuming, and many teachers may not be willing to do that. [8](P50)

(ii) The role of teachers, learners and materials

For a communicative approach, Breen and Candlin have described the roles of the teacher and learners in following terms:

The teacher has two main roles: The first role is to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group. The latter role is closely related to the objectives of the first role and arises from it. These roles imply a set of secondary roles for the teacher; first, as an organizer of resources and as a resource himself, second as a guide within the classroom procedures and activities. A third role for the teacher is that of researcher and learner, with much to contribute in terms of appropriate knowledge and abilities, actual and observed experience of the nature of learning, and organizational capacities.

The role of learner as negotiator—between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning-emerges from and interacts with the role of joint negotiator within the group and within the classroom procedures and activities which the group undertakes. The implication for the learner is that he should contribute as much as he gains, and thereby learn in an interdependent way. [2](P77)

In CLT, other roles assumed for teachers are needs analyst, counselor, and group process manager. [2] (P78) Teachers ought to know their learners’ needs and interests and choose suitable and realistic materials to hold English teaching practice activities. Teachers also can answer the learners question and communicate to them in English fluently.

Learners should be active participants in the learning. They should let the teacher know their interests and purposes for learning the English. They will cooperate with the teacher and be willing to learn from other students.

CLT materials aim to help learners to learn to use appropriate language structures in appropriate contexts and also to practice using them. They can be a textbook, and can be a task based on sets of pair or group work activities or games, role plays, and so on. They can also be authentic materials so as to prepare learners for the second language used outside the classroom. The “authentic materials” are types of English teaching input such as newspaper, advertisement, magazines, films, programs, cartoons, and so on.

The CLT view of the role of teachers, learners and materials seems to ignore that:


The role of teachers requires them to have very good teaching and language skills, but not all teachers have good ability. Some feel lack of confidence in their English teaching ability.


The English courses of our country have the great number of takers, and the level of learners is very different. It may make the teacher difficult to choose a suitable material and teaching activity.


There are not enough varied English teaching materials for teacher to organize a communicative activity.


The fact that in most classes the learners’ main motivation for studying the English is to pass the exam, they will not to spend much time on non-exam-related activities. [8]( P50-51)

12.3.3 Conclusion

CLT is best considered an approach rather than a method. It ignores something in the approach, design and procedure, but compared with GTM, it seems to match the evidence from Psycholinguistic and SLA research more closely. CLT pays more attention to developing learners’ ability of using the English. It may promote learners’ learning initiative and enthusiasm. So it’s necessary to keep a balance between teaching of form and practice of form.

3. Implication for English teaching in Middle School in China.

From the above discussion, we can see that both Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching have their advantages and disadvantages in teaching, but after comparing them, CLT is much better for English teaching in China. Along with social development, it is absolutely necessary to learn English for international communication. The CLT becomes more and more attractive in China. There are a number of reasons for its attractiveness:

Apart from providing a richer teaching and learning environment, it can first include wider considerations of what is appropriate as well as what is accurate; second it can handle a wider range of language, covering texts and conversations as well as sentences; third the Communicative Approach can provide realistic and motivating language practice; and lastly it uses what learners “know” about the functions of language from their experience with their own mother tongue. [8](P199)

But clearly, in Chinese learning contexts, the implementation of CLT is hindered by many practical problems. There are many problems in application of CLT. They include whether a communicative approach can be applied at all levels in a language program, whether it is equally suited to ESL and EFL situations, whether it requires existing grammar-based syllabuses to be abandoned or merely revised, how such an approach can be evaluated, how suitable it is for non-native teachers, and how it can be adopted in situations where students must continue to take grammar-based tests. These kinds of problems will doubtless require attention if the communicative movement in Chinese language teaching continues to gain momentum in the future. [2](P83)

The following aspects of teaching English in China are to be heeded if CLT is going to succeed:

(i) Teacher’s quality

We know that teacher plays the most important role in the teaching activities. In Chinese middle schools, there are many teachers feeling anxious about their English language abilities. They think they have not enough abilities in English teaching to achieve learners’ needs. So developing the teachers’ quality is the most important thing in China.

How to develop it? In Success in English Teaching, Paul Davies said that teacher’s development options can be grouped into three broad categories: Self-development, Co-operative Development, and Formal Development. He believed that initial training should be the beginning, not the end, of their professional development. Self-development can be promoted by reflection on their teaching, developing what consistently seems to go well, and experimenting with alternative approaches to what consistently seems to go badly. Diaries and recordings of their own lessons can help them notice things they would not notice otherwise. Co-operative development can be promoted by sharing ideas and experiences with colleagues. Peer observation is a good way of sharing experience, and is usually more supportive than supervisory observation. Formal development is now virtually essential during almost every stage of a teacher’s career. Apart form actual in-service courses. There are many conventions, seminars, and short courses for teachers of English. Finally, professional reading is one of the best ways to extend their knowledge and keep up with new ideas. [5](P197-201)

In CLT, Teachers ought to know their learners’ needs and interests and choose suitable and realistic materials to hold English learning practice activities. But, how can we know the learners’ real needs? How do we know the materials we choose are suitable for them? They are the problems which are difficult for teachers to resolve in China. In Chinese middle schools, the motivation of students is to pass the exam. They may not want to spend much time on non-exam-related activities. If we want to solve these problems, carrying out the reforms in education is the primary problem in China, but we all know it is impossible at present.

(ii) Teaching activities

CLT procedures often require teachers to acquire less teacher-centered classroom management skills. It is the teacher’s responsibility to organize the classroom as a setting for communication and communicative activities. But the focus on fluency and comprehensibility in Communicative Language Teaching may cause anxiety among teachers accustomed to seeing error suppression and correction as the major instructional responsibility, and who see their primary function as preparing learners to take standardized or other kinds of tests. [2] (P79)

(iii) Language environment

Now let us see the teaching and learning environment.

English in China is a foreign language. Although we have attached importance to English language at present, there are not enough varied materials for teacher to carrying out teaching activities in CLT.

Overseas, in CLT, learners are usually the persons who prepare to travel to English-speaking countries or settle down, or have the chance to contact with foreigners at home. So they have a good opportunity to develop their communicative ability. But in China, English is seen as foreign language. Not only in school but in other places, most of people speak only Chinese, so students in middle school have few opportunities to contact with foreigners from English-speaking countries, so the English communication does not seem very important. [13] (P63) And due to the difference of culture and the way of thinking between China and English-speaking countries, there are many difficulties for students to learn English.

According to the questions mentioned above, there are other problems may affect the carrying out of CLT in China, such as the different level between learners, the large number of students in an English course, and so on. But CLT is still a good effect method in English teaching in China.

4. Conclusion

Every English language learning context is more or less different and it will lead to more or less different answers to questions at the Approach, Design and Procedure levels.

In this paper we can see that not a teaching method is omnipotent, and every method has its advantages and disadvantages. GTM emphasizes the written language and ignores the oral one. CLT pays more attention to developing learner’s ability of using English language, but its focus on fluency and comprehensibility may cause some anxieties. Along with the social development, the growing needs of communication make us understand that CLT is suitable for China, although it has many limitations in its applications in China. CLT must be extended in the modern English Teaching.

Furthermore, we must analyze the factors such as the learners’ personal factor and environment of language to choose a suitable method to ensure the high efficiency of teaching. At last, a better understanding of the nature of language and language learning can help teachers to decide which choices are most likely to lead to effective learning in Chinese classroom.


[1] 馬丁.韋德爾. 外語教學與學習[M]. 高等教育出版社, 2001.

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關鍵詞: 語法翻譯法 英語句子 理解和掌握 促進








例如:常說家庭應該破壞,一領薪水卻一定寄給他的祖父母,一日也不拖延。從這句子來看,這個句子中沒有顯示出主語,上下文也沒有用關聯詞連接。它說明了漢語句子的意義在于其內部邏輯,而不是從句子嚴謹的結構中體現出來。它的英譯文是“While maintaining that the family system should be abolished,he would remit his salary to his grandmother the same day that he drew it...”從這譯文可以看出譯文中該有的英語語法成分都齊全,主次明顯,在上下文中用關聯詞來聯系,即英語注重句子結構的完整。而原著中文中,卻是形式松散,只靠邏輯紐帶聯系。



例如:It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune mustbe in want of a wife.句子一開頭就把結論點出了,它符合英語表意在前的原則。翻譯成漢語是:凡是有錢的單身漢,都想娶個太太,這是一條舉世公認的真理。從其漢語結構來看,它符合漢語先敘事、后結論的原則。



例如:自從實施改革開放政策以來,中國發生了巨大的變化。在這句中,“自從實施改革開放政策以來”是主題,“中國發生了巨大的變化”是述題。這句子翻譯成英語為“Since the implementation the policy of reform and opening-up,great changes have taken place in China.”可以看出,英語的主語一般為非人稱主語,而漢語的主語多為人稱主語。

